
The Babylonian Tarot is the only deck ever published on the deities, legends, and magical symbolism of ancient Mesopotamia, the oldest civilization on Earth. Beautifully original in concept and design, this deck remains faithful to tarot tradition. The Babylonian Tarot includes five extra cards ”one Trump and four court cards” yet retains the traditional zodiacal, elemental, and planetary associations of modern decks. The companion book included, A Guide to the Babylonian Tarot, gives detailed descriptions of each card, including the deity or spirit depicted and its mythological significance, as well as divinatory interpretations for both upright and reversed positions. This guidebook also contains two new spreads designed specifically for The Babylonian Tarot, and a table of elemental, astrological, and qabalistic correspondences.
The Babylonian Tarot, copyright © 2006 by Sandra Tabatha Cicero. All rights reserved.
Available from Llewellyn Publications
