"This Order's mentor and guiding light was the late Dr. Israel Regardie. The modern-day Order does not claim institutional lineage
to the original H.O.G.D. but it does claim initiatory lineage to the original through Israel Regardie."
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"That none of them should profess anything other thing than to cure the Sick and that gratis" - The first rule of a Rosicrucian,
Fama Fraternitatis

Do you aspire to be a Rosicrucian?
Then help someone today by volunteering or donating to a charity of your choice.

Doctors Without Borders, American Red Cross, CARE, Direct Relief International, UNICEF
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent, Network for Good
Habitat for Humanity International, Save the Children, World Food Programme (UN)



Tutti i diritti riservati © 1977-2010 l'ordine ermetico della golden dawn



H.O.G.D. Britain